The group Bio-Inspired Computation at the
M A X P L A N C K I N S T I T U T E for I N F O R M A T I C S
in Saarbrücken, Germany seeks a
Ph.D. Student
for the Algorithms and Complexity Department
directed by Kurt Mehlhorn
We are seeking an excellent candidate with a master or diploma in mathematics, theoretical computer science or a related field. The successful applicant should carry out theoretical work on evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization and related bio-inspired computing methods. Candidates having experiences in the field of randomized methods and/or computational complexity of bio-inspired computation are highly encouraged to apply.
The Max Planck Institute for Informatics is located on the campus of the Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Germany. Currently, around 40 researchers from several nationalities work in the Algorithms and Complexity Department. Our working language is English. The group collaborates with several of the major research institutions in Europe and the U.S. and has high international visibility. There is generous travel support available for all group members.
Applications from disabled applicants are appreciated. Our institute supports the principle of equal opportunity for men and women, and is therefore interested in applications from women.
Applications (including curriculum vitae, list of publications if applicable, list of school grades, list of university grades, and names of two references with their e-mail addresses) must be sent by email in PDF format to Frank Neumann (frank.neumann(at)mpi-inf(dot)mpg(dot)de) by January 31, 2010.
For further information, also on other offers, please refer to
Frank Neumann Max Planck Institute for Informatics Department 1: Algorithms and Complexity Building 46.1, Room 317 Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 66123 Saarbrücken Germany